
Oleh : Elissa nindia R

Topic : Chinese or English? What will be the language in the future?

Transformation of China in the Global Era

          In this global era almost all over the world live in by people of China. In America, Europe, even in Asia we can encounter the chinese people. They live and stay in a country then they become residents in the original country. The chinese people work and is almost mastered in economics or business. For example, in Indonesia the chinese people can be success, even in another countries they had almost controlled the economics market. The extraordinary rise of China  in around the world will be transformative for the global economy and for business everywhere.

          From the existence of chinese citizens that are almost exist in the corner of the world, then the chinese language can also become an international language. Chinese language or Mandarin may have an equal place with the english language, it makes the mandarin to be a language that must be learned just like english. This may occur that english can be replaced by mandarin in the future. Then, what will we going to do when it happens? Will we resist or support it?.

          To face the global development, especially in the language sector of which questioned what is going to be the main language in the future – Mandarin or English? , the only thing is not making it into a dispute. And because the influence of China become worldwide, so it compels the people to learn mandarin. As a student if we realized the development of global, we can learn both of those languages.

          In short, in this global era we have to learn a foreign language to communicate with people in different world and no matter mandarin or english of which will be the international language in the future, the important thing is we must aware of transformation of China that spreads worldwide.

Essay di atas  adalah tugas Writing dari dosen, tetapi masih perlu perbaikan kembali. Intinya sih masih harus menulis kembali, tapi belum sempat karena masih banyak tugas hehe.

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